Wellness Center


A summer special offer for those who can’t go to the sea this year. Instead, come to our wellness centre and enjoy a “sea bath”, rich in beneficial trace elements and mineral salts contained in the ocean water. The relaxing hydromassage bath, full of magnesium, potassium, and iodine, creates the osmotic effect of seawater, and thus has a positive influence on the organism.

Blood plasma, a substance surrounding human cells, has a structure similar to that of sea water. That’s why the mineral salts and trace elements contained in the bath are able to gradually enter your body and have a vitalising effect.

Iodine is needed to produce thyroid hormones which regulate metabolism, and thus the healthy growth and development of the human organism.
A lack of iodine in the body can be caused by a decrease of the amount of thyroxine, a very important hormone which regulates metabolism. Its lack is brought about by thyroid enlargement.

helps maintain bodily fluids (mostly water) in balance, as well as the acid-base balance. It has a beneficial effect on the neural and muscle function.
A lack of potassium manifests itself as muscle weakness, sometimes as sleepiness.

Magnesium promotes good dental health and the proper function of muscles, nerves, enzymes, and some vitamins in the human body.
A lack of magnesium causes sleepiness, insomnia, anxiety, muscle spasms, or tremors.

The bath’s relaxing effect is enhanced by the characteristic smell of ocean.

Wellness sea bath   630 CZK / 20 minutes

Other discounts are not available for this event.